Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today I mowed the front yard and the neighbours/parents ;). Started digging the spot where I plan to plant my comfrey. And then recieved a nice package of plants and cuttings (thanks T :) )

So I have a few little chard seedlings. See how they go. Looking a bit sad :) Maybe they will pull through.

Some Jasmine (a fav) , Choko (good screener :)) And a few other bits and bobs. Some things that might make the dog keep his nose out of my gardens.

I got a few tips from a Mulberry tree. You are meant to propogate them in winter, but I'll give it a shot in spring. I'm always a bit slow :P

So next few opportunities I get I will be preparing some spots for everthing!

Looking forward to it.

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