Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's HOT!

So it is now 2009.  We are in the end of summer and I'm actually feeling that Autumn cannot come fast enough.  This has just been rediculas.

I got a good lot of corn from the hedge like planting along the fence.  I do think next time I will take the time to hand pollinate.  Many of them did well, but we could probably have doubled our harvest.  And now that we have CHICKENS!! they would appreciate some of the "excess" if there is such a word.  

I saved seed from 3 cobs, aparrently you should do from 10 for diversity.  But it is a good start for me anyway.  I have another group in the middle compost bay, will see if it happens before it gets too cold.  

Colliegirl from ALS was kind enough to let me grab 4 of her Lohman chickens that she is looking to rehome to make room for a new breed.  

There house came together very well, we were in a bit of a panic trying to work this out, but we were overthinking it.  We managed to pull together enough bits and pieces from the parents place nect door to do it without spending a cent.  Thankfully :)  

I will try to remember to take some photos of it and the girls.  We do need to refine some things but for now it is a good space for 4 chickens.  But I need to work out screen from some of the dogs around, including our own little Boofy. 

My potates seem to be being eaten by bugs along the stems, they are all very very sad.  I dont think we will get a crop :(  But Kirsty (ALS)  has agreed to send me a couple of her seeds spuds as her went great guns :D So I might be able to try again in feb, like Steve (ALS)  suggests. 

He says in Boonah the farmers plant in August and Feb to try avoid the heat of summer.  

I'm dissapointed but by now have succumbed to the fact that they arent happening.  I used so much of my compost and mulch there too, I'll have to make sure I reclain most of it.  But the bloody nutgrass has grown through everything.

Next house we get I am scouring the yard for nutgrass!!

I managed to get a couple of caps to germinate, but then they stopped growing and stayed small and stunted so just havent bothered with them.  

I have 3 cuttings of white mulberry which have struck nicely.  And this was done in summer so the whole winter dmant thing doesn't matter.  

I took some more black cuttings from Danielle, hoping to replace the weedy one I struck.  

I have also taken lots from my pink camelia that I would love to make a hedge out of.  So hopefully a couple of them work out, they have plently of nice little buds on them so fingers crossed.  I have wanted them since we moved here 2 years ago.  The one I have is in a silly spot. 

I grew 3 measly golden nuggest pumpks.  I've kept the seed but they really didn't do well at all.  I may need to try localised seed next time.  

I've chucked in a couple more zuchs out the front, I would like to save seed from one of those too, then I will have checked a few things off the list.  

I have read a few threads about bush tucker plants and have decided I want finger lime and round lime :D

There are several other things too, but I need to calm down and give it all time rather then diving in and not being able to work out where to put stuff or keep them watered :)

I have the rest of my life to collect these things!

Slowly I am checking things off.  

I mean I have chickens for godsake, I'm running out of things I "want".  

Now I just need to commit myself to art stuffs and get it together :P

I have an art and craft blog now too.  


Wocket said...

can't wait to see a pic of the chickens!

Jacqueline said...

I know what you mean about getting too enthusiastic and getting lots of plants but not having a plan for where to put them...I did that too. In the end I moved lots of them and lost a few, now I slow myself down and think realistically what I can actually get planted and where. We have a black mulberry and they are quite spindly at first apparently - slow growing compared to the white ones. Good luck with them - the chooks will love them. Looking forward to seeing your girls.

dl said...

I had been recommended to keep the black mulberry copiced, or just kept really really well pruned, because the lady I got it from said hers is a monster that she really struggles to keep under control. But I can't see that being too much of a problem down in my back yard.

I am trying to organise things so that when/if we get a new place (which hubby plans to do) I will be able to take things with me, or at least cuttings of things.

But I am so obsessive with things, I just get silly. I need to chill :)

I will take photos :) I'm pretty proud of our little pen, even tho its not as big as I would like, for 4 chickens I think its space enough until I can work out giving them a safe part of the yard to free range.

The pen didn't cost us a scent :)
We only bought an unnecessary food dispenser because I asked the guy in the shop if he had any (just to look) and he took me over to look and I felt I had to buy it :( Silly girl.

The girls are Lohmans (sp) which I believe are a commercial cross?

I think in future I would like to try another breed, just to find out what they are like.

I am happy with these girls, especially to help someone else offload ones they didn't really want anymore. :)

Wow that was a big reply :) Thanks for watching guys, I'm trying to make sure I bother to "blog" because it's really nice getting to share with people, and see what they having going on too.