Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Everything was flourishing and was beautiful up until today. 

I had harvested my first zucch yesterday and had it grilled for tea :)

Had been having cucumbers, and everything was looking lush.  Everything was bigger and better then in those photos.  

I got my potatoes from lost seed along with some radish and rockmellin that I resowed today.  Boof got to a few pots :(

We had a huge hail storm this after noon.   Everything looks trashed :(  I just can't believe it.  It was all going sooo well :(

not much I can say.  Im running out of compost, I need more mulch and hail netting?

I'll re sow what I can tonight.  I might just start again with the tomatoes.  At leat then I can use the digger seed. 


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Photo Updates

So here are the updates.  The first 2 shots are of my 2 lots of zucchini.  They will be replaced with ones that I will save seed from, and potatoes.  
There is a shot of my compost bays husband put together for me. Nice and big.  They were great for when we chipped a few unwanted trees.  (stupid spots and grapefruit to boot :'()

Tou can see the back fence which I am so desperatly trying to screen out.  I m
owed the grass today to make sure it was all pretty :P

There is my chocko, beans, corn Arties and other bits and bobs.  My tubs that I am trying to decide the best use for and my comfrey. 

The last shot of of my cucumbers.  They are going great guns and there are a couple about ready to pick.  There are a couple of pigeon peas in between there.  I will decide what to do with them as they grow.  I thought they might make a little bit of shade and soemthing to support the cucs. 

So that is about it.  I am still waiting for ym pumpkins to sprout.  Looking forward to getting them in.  Not looking forward to making a bed to put them in :(

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Getting Somewhere!

So today I got Granny to watch the little one for an hour or so so that I could run around and do a couple of things to save my sanity.  

I finally got those Jerusalem Artichokes into the ground!  I have put them near the back fence hoping they will help do some screen while being pretty and edible.  I am aware that they can act like weed tho, I I kept them about 1 mtr out from their fencline and I will just have to make sure I'm a good girl and keep them thinned out.  I'm sure I will work something out.  

The lemongrass went down there too, and tonight I ran down there to give them another drink and popped some Nasturtium seeds in for good measure.  There is a good corner of the yar that should be pretty well free of grass and weeds now.  

I have been using cardboard and grass clippings because I am cheep :)  I want to keep my good mulch for garden beds, not just for choking out grasses. 

I got some seeds from a swap in the mail today too:)!  Very happy about that.  

seeds:   Lettuce 'cos verdi'  Greenpatch exp Jun 2009
Sweet Basil Greenpatch exp Dec 2009
Tomato 'tommy toe' Greenpatch exp Jun 2010
Tomato 'grosse lisse' Diggers exp - bought sept 2008

These were in exchange for some eggplant and zucchs that I got from lost seed.

On the weekend I also went to the local council nursery and got my 8 free plants!  wee.  

I got a Gardenia 'florida, 2x coastal rosemary, peaflower, hovea, hairy bush tree, texas sage and a tarragon.  Not bad for free!

So I have been spending my nights (the hour or so before the boy wakes up again ;'()  out the front digging in the dark putting in some of these shrubs.  They should look very pretty when they flower :)  I am pretty excited about watching them grow and fill the yard.  

I think I will draw a little map of things to keep track of where I am at and take a few photos.  I keep saying that but lets see if/when I get around to it.  

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Lost Seed

Lots of things have happened since I last recorded things.  

I have planted out a few Pigeon Peas.  Both the small and large ones are sprouting.  I also planted out the eggplants and Madagascar beans.  It seems only 2 are going to survive, of the 3 which sprouted.  

Some of the Echinacia has sprouted, I think I need to move them into the sun, they seem to be refusing to get any bigger.  Along with 2 of the First Fleet lettuces.  

My cucumbers are flowering and getting little cucs on them.  The zucchinies seem to be doing the same.  

I put some of Judy's triffid schalotts into the main herb bed.  And the chard and greens are looking happy.  

The tomatoes have recovered from the hail.  

Mors comfrey seems to be sprouting in the pot I took the last lot of cuttings from so that is good.  Can't have too much I would say.  

Oh I have some lemongrass and Jerusalem artichokes still waiting for me to decide where to put them :) 

That is the problem with having the space but not actualy garden beds prepared.  I'm doing what I can when I can but everything grows so fast. 

Anyways.....  All of those zucchs, eggplants and possibly tomatoes that are doing so well will probably be replaced as I finally have some open pollinated seed from The Lost seed shop, and a few more coming from a swap.  So I would prefer to have the ones I can save seed from going.  But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.  

On the 30th of Sep I got my batch of seeds.  

Some Climbing Beans, Black Beauty Zucchs, Golden Nugget pumpkin (BUSH VARIETY!!)  some corn and snow peas.  

I have sewn some corn out along the back fence to act as a screen, and also put some beans around the area to grow up the corn and fence.  But the corn is meant to get very tall so I hope that doesn't become a problem and someone complains.  If I have to I will trim it but we will see.  

I have been on a seed sewing frenzy, I couldnt resist.  

Done some pumpkins, zucchs, eggplant, more first fleet lettuce, Marigolds and tonight I did some chilli and capsicums.  

I did some dwarf sweet corn out the front, not to save seed from, so I will decide whats happening when I see how my new corn goes.  Beans are likley to go out the front too, I'll put them wherever I can as they will be easy to keep frozen.

I have noticed we have a little green tree frog frequenting my yard, he must be happy with my progress :)  

I'll take some photos to keep track of my changes, things are still all over the place but I am getting somewhere !!

I think that is just about everything.  I will be getting some more stuff in the mail as I have shared some of my package around to others :)

It is looking to be an exciting spring/summer.